Back in 2011 when The Van was born, it started in a garage and soon moved to a storage unit. It didn't take long for community support to increase to the point of needing a warehouse and a general headquarters for The Van and The One, Inc. 7 years of renting a warehouse later we again found our work stifled by the limitations of not owning our facility. We had a great rental price on a large space, but were constantly up against roof leaks, mold, an unsatisfactory septic system, and an inability to increase services because we couldn't spend your dollars on a building we didn't own.

We believed it was time for us to make a responsible purchase so that we could do the best we can with our donors' dollars. We wanted to invest that money, not pay rent. We wanted to increase our capacity to provide showers and laundry, not have to keep saying no. We wanted to focus our time on people experiencing homelessness, not trying to find another bucket to catch rainwater. We wanted to be able to improvise and adapt in a space that we own and have the freedom to do so. So we asked for your help.
We started a fundraiser on 12/3/18, In less than 3 months you donated enough (over $60,000) to seal the deal, and outfit our new warehouse. We will never be able to thank you enough for your support. Never.
We’re also having a hard time finding the words to properly thank our realtor, Lee Smith - Aspire Realty Group. She worked so hard to get us in the perfect space. We have both bought and sold with Lee. If you need a realtor we implore you to contact her. She’s no joke!
This move has put us in a more centralized location which will only make us more efficient. We are now in south LR just a few blocks from the Arkansas Foodbank, on 61st. It allows more people to come and volunteer without having to drive so far to participate. This also saves our drivers driving time, giving them more time on the streets. But one of the most exciting things is that our warehouse volunteers won’t have to push through the freezing temps in an unheated concrete icebox whose septic system doesn’t function properly.
One building is the warehouse, one is the administrative offices & food storage, and one is a shop for maintaining our vehicles.